Paramore Croatia
| Welcome ! Forum postoji 5507 dana, a ima ukupno 34 članova. | |
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| | | Molimo vas da pročitate pravila kako bi znali što je dozvoljeno, a što nije dozvoljeno na forumu!! / Please read the rules to know what is allowed and what is not allowed on the forum!! Moderator/ica: Administrator
| 2 | 2 | 24.10.09 17:27 Jeremy | | Možete kritizirati, hvaliti i pisati o tome kako poboljšati forum te pitati admina ili ostale članove ako vam bilo što nije jasno. / You can criticize, praise and write about how to improve the forum and ask admin or other members for help. Moderator/ica: Administrator
| 4 | 7 | 29.10.09 15:36 Jeremy | | | | Ovdje možemo raspravljati o bendu "Paramore"... / Here we can discuss about the bend "Paramore"... Moderator/ica: Prevoditelj
| 6 | 6 | 14.02.10 19:40 Jeremy | | Ovdje možemo objavljivati i komentirati sve novosti o bendu "Paramore" i života njihovih članova. / Here we can publish all news and comments about the bend "Paramore" and the life of its members. Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator, Prevoditelj
| 0 | 0 | | | Ovdje možemo objavljivati i komentirati razgovore sa zvijezdama grupe "Paramore". / Here we can publish and comment on interviewa with the stars of the bend "Paramore". Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator, Prevoditelj
| 1 | 1 | 14.02.10 21:28 Hayley | | Ovdje možemo objavljivati fotke članova benda, scanove iz časopisa, itd. / Here we can publish photos of members of the bend, scans from the magazines, etc. Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator
| 0 | 0 | | | Ovdje možemo objavljivati razne videoklipove vezane uz "Paramore"... / Here we can publish a variety videoclips related to "Paramore"... Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator
| 0 | 0 | | | Ovdje možemo objavljivati sve stare ali zanimljive novosti koje imaju veze sa bendom "Paramore"... / Here we can post old but interesting news that are related to the bend "Paramore"... Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator
| 13 | 13 | 14.02.10 20:37 Hayley | | | | Ovdje možemo postavljati sve ostalo vezano uz "Paramore" - bannere, wallpapere, riječi pjesama, ankete, kalendare, igrice... / Here we can post everything related to "Paramore" - banners, wallpapers, lyrics, polls, calendars, games... Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator, Prevoditelj
| 0 | 0 | | | Ovdje možete pronaći sve teme iz vremena dok je ovaj forum bio o "Sumraku"... / Here you can find all the threads from the time when this forum was about the "Twilight"... Moderatori/ce: Administrator, Moderator
| 99 | 1840 | 01.01.10 18:51 Amyicha | | Ovdje se nalaze sve teme koje su dugo neaktivne ili pune spama... / Here are all themes that are inactive for a long time, or full of spam... Moderator/ica: Administrator
| 0 | 0 | |
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